There’s no way to sugarcoat it — kidney failure in dogs is a very serious health condition that needs to be caught and addressed as early as possible. While the causes of kidney failure are extensive (the cause does affect outcomes and treatment options), when left unchecked, kidney failure is always fatal. If you notice signs of kidney failure in your dog, it’s important to get them to the vet right away — that gives your pup their best chance at a longer, healthy life.
Just like humans, dogs rely on their kidneys as a blood filter. "Kidney failure is a disease where the kidneys stop functioning appropriately," Dr. Chloe Matelski, DVM, a veterinarian for Pathway Vet Alliance, says. "The kidneys are responsible for filtering blood, making urine, managing electrolytes (which are essentially the 'batteries' that make life happen), prompting the body to make red blood cells and managing blood pressure. When the kidneys fail, we see changes in these areas."
It can be tough to tell the difference between when your dog is temporarily feeling sick and when their change in health or behavior is a sign of a more serious, underlying condition. Often, the early symptoms of kidney failure in dogs may look like a short-term illness. "The most common symptoms, especially early on, are usually GI-related, such as a loss of appetite or vomiting," Dr. Matelski says. "We also see lethargy, sometimes abdominal pain and ultimately decreased urine production."
If your dog is showing any of these signs, it's important to take them to the vet right away. Even if they aren't suffering from kidney failure, a vet can diagnose and treat whatever is causing the symptoms.
Dr. Matelski explains that the cause of kidney failure in dogs is typically categorized as either chronic kidney disease (CKD) or acute kidney injury (AKI).
Chronic kidney disease is usually genetic, progressive and typically seen in older dogs. Acute kidney injury, on the other hand, is typically caused by infections, toxicities or cardiovascular events. And because AKI is associated with toxicities and infections, it can affect all ages of dogs. (Kidney failure isn’t associated with some breeds more than others.) But toxicities aren’t the only common cause of AKI. “It’s important to vaccinate against leptospirosis, a bacterial infection that can lead to AKI and death,” Dr. Matelski warns. Regular veterinary care and vaccinations can also help prevent long-term problems.
Chronic kidney disease and acute kidney injury are the most frequent causes of kidney failure in dogs but other causes are possible. “Congenital abnormalities, such as renal dysplasia, can affect puppies and adolescents,” Dr. Matelski explains, adding, “Urinary blockages from tumors or stones will lead to rapid kidney failure and death if left untreated.” She also points out that kidney cancer, or other cancers that spread to the kidneys and affect their functioning, can cause kidney failure in dogs.
While CKD is typically related to genetics (and therefore, not preventable), AKI is often related to consuming foods or other toxic materials. It’s important to be aware of the most common toxicities to make sure you’re keeping them away from your dog.
“Your dog should avoid grapes and raisins, human NSAID medications (such as Advil and Aleve), antifreeze and vitamin D3,” Dr. Matelski says. Just as you’d keep medications, vitamins and household cleaners or car fluids out of the reach of children, you need to do the same for your pets to help keep them safe.
Though kidney failure in dogs is very serious, there are treatment options. The type of kidney failure and its underlying cause significantly impact long-term outcomes. Also, catching kidney failure early, before extensive damage takes place, can help reduce negative outcomes.
“CKD is an irreversible condition. With treatments, quality life can be prolonged, but ultimately, the kidneys will worsen and often lead to death,” Dr. Matelski says. “AKI can sometimes be treated, and the kidneys can be saved from long-term damage.” When treatment is an option, it typically includes IV fluids administered at an animal hospital or at home along with specially-formulated diets designed to slow CKD progression.
One other thing to keep in mind is that routine blood work can help identify kidney failure early. “Having routine blood work done, including SDMA, an early marker for predisposed dogs, can lead to early diagnosis,” Dr. Matelski says. And when you receive an early diagnosis and come up with a treatment plan with your vet, you’re more likely to be able to extend your pet’s life and enjoy more time with your best friend.
It's impossible to predict an illness like kidney failure, which is why we recommend enrolling in a dog insurance plan with comprehensive coverage early. That way, you'll have peace of mind knowing that you can focus on your pet's treatment plan without stressing about vet bills.
The Dig, Fetch Pet Insurance's expert-backed editorial, answers all of the questions you forget to ask your vet or are too embarrassed to ask at the dog park. We help make sure you and your best friend have more good days, but we’re there on bad days, too.
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